Unpacking BaggageJust going through my luggage, clearing out some things to make way for enlightenment Thursday, April 06, 2006I've Been Tagged!If... If you were to be the opposite sex for one day, what would you do? One day is not enough to experience the joys of womanhood, but I guess I would spend the day shopping for shoes... not much different from my current existence, except they would be women's shoes. I love the way a woman's foot looks in heels. She must have good ankles and legs though. ![]() If you had to name the most difficult thing about being a teenager today, what would you say? Finding and maintaining individuality If you had to name the most embarrassing moment of your life, when was it? So many embarrassing moments, but I would have to say my first prostate exam... with a doctor. If you had to name the most overrated actor in Hollywood, who would it be? Terrance Howard, of course. If you had to name the one personality trait that you have tried the hardest to change in yourself, what would you say? Poor self-image If you could go back for one minute to the Garden of Eden and give Adam advice, what would you say? Watch her. If you were to name the best “I told you so” you ever got to deliver, what was it? The one where I didn't have to say it at all. A good friend was seeing a sociopathic motherf*cker and I warned him not to get involved. He did. Things got ugly. He ended up telling me I was right. It felt good because I think he realized that my warnings were for his good. If you were Madonna, what would you do for your next publicity stunt? ![]() ![]() If you could have a lifetime 50 percent discount in any single store at your local mall, which store would it be in? Macy's, but the 50% discount would have to extend to all departments and also be applicable to merchandise already sale-priced. ![]() If you could have one more pet, what kind would you get, and what would you name it? I've traditionally avoided pets because they limited my mobility, but now that I'm settled down I suppose I would like to have a boxer, named Evander. If you could have God perform one miracle today, what would you want it to be? A cure for AIDS and resurrection for all those we have lost to it. If you could spend next New Year’s Eve doing anything, what would you do, and with whom? I would spend it in Paris with BBBJr, of course. If you were to set your country’s immigration policy, what would it be? Illegals, if caught, would be immediately deported. Anyone caught aiding them would be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law and don't give me that underground railroad/American slavery parallel bullsh*t! Black folks are still working on emancipation. If you were given the power to settle the issue of gays in the military, what policy would you set? Equal treatment for ALL. Anyone who didn't like... well that's too damn bad. If you could have one person you have lost touch with call you up tonight and invite you to dinner, who would you want it to be? Lisa Orlando, my good, good, girlfriend from college. If you could change one thing about your love life, what would it be? My feelings would always be considered and we would travel more often. If you could have prevented one book from ever having been written, which book would it be? On the Down Low: A Journey Into the Lives of "Straight" Black Men Who Sleep with Men ![]() If you have to name the best music album ever recorded, which would you select? Aretha Franklin's Amazing Grace If you could have one thing made out of pure gold, what would you choose? My drive way If God were to whisper one thing in your ear, what would you like Him to say? "Well done, thou good and faithful servant: thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord" ![]() ![]() |