Unpacking BaggageJust going through my luggage, clearing out some things to make way for enlightenment Saturday, August 20, 2005ReadingWhile waiting for a train last night, I ran into Lloyd, the choir director from my church. Rather than avoid him as I usually do when I see people out of context, I spoke to him which was definitely out of character for me. I assumed we would exchange pleasantries on the platform, board the approaching train and sit in separate seats. However, the church gossip got just a little too good and I found myself seated next to him on the train. By initiating an exchange I sentenced myself to at least an hour of conversation before he would reach his stop and exit. I had planned to read the book I purchased at Borders for the beach. Since the weather wasn't agreeing to allow me to read with ocean sounds in the background, I figured I would substitute the sounds of nature with the manufactured voice that called every stop on the local train. I knew Lloyd to be a reader so I thought it possible that we might sit in silence, engrossed in separate books. He even reached into his bag and pulled out a novel, but still we lapsed into a conversation about music and his trials as a music director at various churches... mine included. Since I share a passion for sacred music, we had a pleasant exchange. Still I was very much aware as we neared his stop that I would soon be able to read a portion of my book. As soon as we exchanged goodbyes I cracked my book, Gumbo, an anthology of African American writing and became immediately immersed in a short story by Edwidge Danticat about haitian immigrants. I was vaguely aware of the young white man who sat in the seat directly opposite me. He too carried a novel and began reading as soon as his ass hit the cushioned seat. It was really cool to share space with someone else who was reading, each of us involved in our own literature. At some point he had a cell phone conversation in which I heard him solidify plans to meet up with someone in the city. As he finished his call, I put down my book to retrieve something from my bag. He spoke to me and asked what I was reading and I showed him the book. I'm not particularly used to strangers striking up conversation and I was admittedly slightly suspicious of his casual friendliness. I am also very protective of African American works, especially with white readers. It's a black thing. How could they possibly understand? But as he read the jacket and looked over the authors whose work was featured, he seemed genuinely interested. He even took out a slip of paper and wrote down the book's information for future reference, which impressed me. He also shared a bit about the novel he was currently reading, Kafka on the Shore by Haruki Murakami. Then he completely shocked me by handing me a drop card, highlighting a book that he'd co-authored, The Modern Gentleman, A Guide to Essential Manner, Saavy and Vice. Right away it hit me... he's a writer. His interest is genuine. We exchanged some light conversation in which I learned he lived in Richmond. It was rather pleasant to engage in light banter with a stranger on the train and when I got up to leave at my stop I was slightly disappointed that our exchange couldn't continue. It made me vaguely aware that I am just a bit too guarded, especially with white people. I began, as I imagine white people do at times, to take inventory of my white friends and was sad to note that I don't have very many. Even those with whom I have a relationship, I don't give credit for value they bring to my life. I'm too afrocentric! I think. I'll work on it though, aided by people like Jason Tesauro, author, who thought nothing of striking up a conversation with a strange black man on a train. In some abstract way my exchange with Jason will continue especially if he does go out and get Gumbo. It's a marvelous anthology with stories that are so human anyone can enjoy them. Even if he doesn't, I will be picking up Kafka on the Shore which I will begin right after I pour through The Modern Gentleman, which I just ordered from Amazon. I'll let you know how it is. |